Plants need food just like you! Give these homemade organic fertilizer recipes a try.

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Over the last couple years, my family has really shifted to focusing on where our food comes from and sometimes that means growing, raising, or hunting for our food.
While not all of our food is harvested in one manor or another, [yes, we still use the grocery store], learning how to grow our own fruit and vegetables using organic methods has been huge!
What is Organic Gardening
Organic farming on the commercial scale or even your backyard garden entails using nature to assist you as much as possible.
Some ways organic gardening looks different than conventional farming are by using natural ways to prep the soil, crop rotation, using green manure & compost, crop diversity, managing the soil, and of course using biological pest management.
It also means that organic farming does not use chemical fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, or synthetic compounds. That leads us back to why you should be making these three organic fertilizers.

How to Make Organic Fertilizer
Here are three ways to easily feed your garden with natural fertilizer you can make at home!
1. Bananas
Banana peels offer plants potassium, calcium, and phosphorous. You can bury the peels directly into the soil or soak them in water for 2-3 days before spraying directly on your plants.
2. Coffee
Next time you are cleaning out your coffee maker, make sure to save those grinds! Coffee grinds are high in nitrogen and are great for sprinkling at the base of plants to enrich the soil.
3. Eggs
Think twice before tossing those egg shells. Egg shells provide calcium to soil by crushing and mixing directly into the soil or boiling in water [cool overnight] that can be poured directly on the soil.
BONUS! Start your seeds in the egg shell half. When the seedling gets 2-3 inches tall, plant directly into prepped soil.
Organic Gardening Must Haves

When you start planning your for your next garden, start thinking about how you plant to naturally super charge your plants. These are simply a couple of ways to naturally fertilize to your garden.
Leave a comment sharing what organic fertilizer recipe you use the most.

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